Adjective and Adverb

Adjective modify nouns and pronouns.

Example: The cat is wild.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

Example: He runs very slowly.

Adverbs are usually formed by adding “-ly” to adjective

Adjective                                               Adverbs

Hasty                                                      Hastily  

Noisy                                                      Noisily


1) The old woman looked close at me. (Incorrect).

The old woman looked closely at me. (Correct).

Explanation: (“closely” is an adverb. It is required as it modifies the verb “looked”).

2) This small village was once dense populated. (Incorrect)

This small village was once densely populated. (Correct)

Explanation: (‘dense’ and ‘populated’ are both adjectives. Hence, we need to bring an adverb ‘adverb’ in the sentence.)

3) The soldier fought very courage. (Incorrect)

The soldier fought very courageously. (Correct)

Explanation: (‘very’ and ‘courage’ are both adjectives. Hence, we need to bring an adverb ‘courageously’ in the sentence.)

4) The tortoise moved very slow. (Incorrect)

The tortoise moved very slowly. (Correctly)

Explanation: (‘there are two adverbs in the sentence “very” and “slowly”. Slowly is modifying the verb “moved”. The first adverb”very” is modifying the adverb slowly. An adverb can modify another adverb also).

5) She stood at the door quite patient. (Incorrect)

She stood at the door quite patiently. (Correct)

Explanation: (the rule mentioned in the example four applies here too. The two adverbs are “quite” and “patiently”).

Adjective and Adverb

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