How to prepare for SAT

So, finally once you have set your mind on SAT and want to crack it, the real question is how do you prepare for it!! So I won’t give you long paragraphs which will bore you, instead I’ll give you simple steps which if you follow will lead you to your result. Let’s get started;

1) The very first thing even before you think of taking SAT or even think about going to countries like USA, UK, Germany, etc. The real question is which course you want to opt for. Please do also ask this question to yourself, whether the course you are opting for, is it really going to help you in future or you are opting it because your friend is taking it up or you like some xyz university. Please be very careful about the course you opt for.

2) Once you have finalized your course, then the next thing comes is the university which teaches the respective course and what are the requirements to get admitted to that course. Trust me SAT won’t be the only thing they would be asking. SAT is one of the requirements.

3) Before I get into “how would you prepare for SAT”, please do start your preparations/workout for other requirements, like extra-curricular activities, etc. These activities are important.

4) Now, moving onto the preparation mode. The first thing you need to do is – Get yourself acquainted with the paper pattern so that you are mentally prepared for the challenge. Here: SAT Exam ( This page will help you with the detailed understanding of SAT.

5) Apart from this you also need to get yourself familiarize with the skill sets or in other words topics which you need to learn or practice in order to ace the SAT.

6) Then take a mock test. Remember, this mock test is not to evaluate your skills, this mock test is to give you an idea of what type of questions you can expect in the exam. That’s it.

7) Establish your strengths and weaknesses.

8) Before we go on understand on how to improve on weaknesses, let’s first understand where actually the problem lies;

  1. Reading habits: In the first section of SAT you’ll get five passages which are based on different genres such as social science, science, history, etc. Every passage consists of words ranging from 800 to 1200, which are lot of words and 800 to 1200 multiplied by 5 passages, you can do the math. So, get into reading habits. Read books, good newspaper articles and read daily. You can go through the links; Opinion – The New York Times (; Technology – The New York Times (; Science – The New York Times (; Health – The New York Times (; Arts – The New York Times ( I prefer New York Times. If you have something else as your preference, please go ahead. But I guess my message is clear.
  2. Attention Span: Its a three hour long paper and if it includes essay, then its almost four hours. Sitting for three long hours is by no mean easy and requires a lot control upon oneself. Now this can only be improved when you start taking official mocks sitting at one place. Please do not use your mobile phones during the exam, it will disrupt your attention span.
  3. Not reading the question properly/Silly Mistakes: For example, lets say you solve a question and you get the value of the variable “x” to be 10. You mark the option which says “10” and you move on; however in the question it was written that “find x+10”!!. I hope you are getting my point and trust me this mistakes happens to the best of us. But we need to improve this by solving as many questions as possible and increasing our attention span.

Apart from these three the actual problem sometimes also lies with concept clarity, for example we all know the |+/-5| = 5, but most of us do not know the exact reason behind this. Another issue which students face is systematic study plan according to one’s need.

9) Once you have appeared for diagnostic test and after we have a detailed discussion with you. We at BinjusEducation will help you in creating your own study plan, so that it benefits you the most.

Our generalized study plan consists of the following parameters;

a) Understanding concept/theory and and solving questions (class handout) pertaining to the theory. Let’s face it mostly the problem in Math comes from bridging the gap between theory and questions. So, a handful of questions will always help students in understanding the concepts better.

b) Once, the student is done with the respective class, he/she is expected to revise whatever we have done in class so as to master all the concepts. Then start with practice of questions pertaining to the topic from BinjusEducation online portal. This will enhance their understanding and will check on how much can they extrapolate on the concept taught to them.

c) Once done with practice of individual topics, then students shall start with official SAT mocks, the actual test papers which have come previously in the SAT exam.

Note: In between any process, if a student faces any difficulty regarding concept, or is unable to understand a question, then he/she shall immediately contact concerned faculty to get it clear.

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We believe if one follows above mentioned diligently, one shall achieve one’s goal in no time.

How to prepare for SAT

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