Why Us

What we offer

The process

Every process of skill learning consists of three phases, first is “the thinking stage”, where you are first attempting to understand of how that skill is to be performed. Your pedagogue/teacher will explain you to how to perform the skill once they have examined your potential.

For example, in order to learn how to kick a football, your coach will tell you to keep your body weight on the front leg, bend your knee and keep your eyes on the ball in order to get the maximum power an spin.

In the same way, we at Binju’s Education asks every student to take our true-to-SAT diagnostic test. The reason for the diagnostic test is not only to evaluate student but also to give students glimpses of different types of questions which they can expect in the exam.

Once they are done with the diagnostic tests, a detailed plan on how to move forward with their course preparation is laid down keeping the coveted score of 1500+ in mind.

The thinking stage

Once done with laying down of preparation plan, the next step is “the connecting stage” where we upskill student’s knowledge and bridge the gap between the theory part of the syllabus and application based on the theory. With every passing theory classes, we conduct class tests in order to ensure proper connection of student with the concepts. This stage can be summed up as;

Upskill Stage

Then comes “the flow stage”, where student has mastered all the concepts and now its time to put that into perspective before the exam by taking section wise tests and full length official mocks of SAT.

The final hurdle

Attempt the diagnostic tests below for self evaluation.

Diagnostic Tests

Why Us

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